End-of-Year Message from the Board of Trustees

Dear Friends,

We hope this message finds all of you well and enjoying a peaceful holiday season. 2021 was a very difficult year for all of us as our precious guru, Ven. Bardor Tulku Rinpoche, passed into parinirvana. With the help of our devoted sangha members, Rinpoche’s 49 day puja was conducted smoothly. The puja brought together many wonderful Buddhist teachers and practitioners in our area, and many auspicious signs revealed themselves after its completion. It was truly an event that will remain in our hearts and minds and was certainly guided by Rinpoche’s blessing.

While Rinpoche’s physical form has left this realm, his light remains in Kunzang Palchen Ling. Therefore, we continue ahead in our activities that serve our dhama community and the flourishing of Rinpoche’s lineage. Lama Tratop has been giving the Barway Dorje terma reading transmissions and continues to teach on the Songs of Barway Dorje. Lama Yeshe taught on the importance of lineage and the history of the Barway Dorje lineage, and many sangha members took part in the annual Atsara retreat in person and remotely. Despite the various challenges we face in these times, we are fortunate to have learned teachers at KPL who guide us with their wisdom, and caring sangha members who encourage our practice.

We wish to express our deepest appreciation and gratitude for your continued support and love for Kunzang Palchen Ling and all that Ven. Bardor Tulku Rinpoche built and nurtured.

May the dharma flourish in our hearts and in the world,
Kunzang Palchen Ling Board of Trustees