September 29, 2023

Not compulsory, but a friendly suggestion for the well-being of everyone involved. With COVID-19 cases on the rise, vaccines protect individuals from severe illness but not others. Wearing masks correctly, however, shields both you and those around you, promoting overall safety and well-being. 

If you happen to have any cold or allergy symptoms like a sore throat, headache, nasal congestion, cough, or significant fatigue, it’s a kind gesture to the community to stay home, even if your COVID-19 test is negative. Asymptomatic folks don’t need to test unless they suspect recent exposure, like being in a large crowd.

Feel free to assess your own comfort level and decide whether wearing a mask and keeping a 6-foot distance works best for you and others.

During meals, giving a bit of space between yourself and others can go a long way in reducing potential exposure. Stay safe and take care!